Welcome to the White Shark Interest Group

Conservation through education and protection, sharing of information, knowledge and experiences regarding this iconic species is fundamental in further conservation and protection efforts. Together we can effect change, individually or as a group, and change misinformed perceptions for the good of the species.

Working together to preserve this magnificent animal

Members are encouraged to post comments, report issues concerning Great White’s, conservation, images and personal experiences in an effort to share and pool our knowledge to preserve this magnificent apex predator in its rightful domain.


The White Shark Interest Group is about shark conservation and protection, especially the Great White Shark. Our purpose is to be able to reach as many people as possible with factual information thereby increasing the knowledge base and understanding that will lead to greater protection and conservation for all shark species.

Together with an amazing and dedicated members and admins we have been able reach an ever increasing number of people that can speak for sharks and why we need them and why we need to protect them.

The Great White Shark is iconic, its much maligned image is far from reality, and we hope that everybody we can reach will help to continue to dispel this misrepresentation of an truly magnificent ocean predator that has little interest in us.
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“The WHITE SHARK INTEREST GROUP, believes that conservation through education and protection, sharing of information, knowledge and experiences regarding this iconic species is fundamental to conservation and protection efforts. Together we can effect change, and change misinformed perceptions for the survival of the species.
Members who are really serious about Sharks conservation and white shark discussions, are welcome to help campaign for advocating the conservation, protection, education, and ethical research of the Great White Shark globally”

Dr. Dirk Schmidt – Author, Photographer and founder of the White Shark Interest Group and White Shark Advocacy

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Latest News

WSI is now on Instagram

Having enjoyed a HUGE success on our Facebook Group, with over 42,000 members a the time of writing, we have now branched out to Instagram! Many of our members enjoy seeing the glorious images that shark photographers capture around the world each year, so we wanted to showcase some our favourite work, as well as [...]

Join our Facebook Group

The White Shark Interest Group on Facebook is the largest White Shark specific group on the platform. Since its inception by our founder, Dirk Schmidt, it has seen numbers grow month on month. At the time of writing we have over 42,000 members, and growing daily. Membership consists of an amazing and passionate cross section [...]
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